As with you, I want justice too but I am not out for revenge. And so justice for me is about  getting money and the easiest take in getting it.

No more just mere exchanging thoughts and chat over our occasional teh tarik session meet up or in whatsap group. No more being judged or criticized and watched others being criticized for having an opinion. No more relying on chit chat, gossips and propaganda to help us to really assess what is our goal and how best to accomplish it.

And so with this platform, I hope to enable us to receive and report reliable news on our fight against the you know who. But most importantly is to enable free and uninhibited exchange and given the litigious case that surrounds us all, I urge for all content contributors and sharing to remain anonymous. I therefore insist and will constantly remind you not to reveal your name or email in the comment section as you be will be exposed to unnecessary chide from the general public of Jaya One and affect the case which is still being played out in court.

Batman once quoted,” As Bruce Wayne, I am an entrepreneur & philanthropist but as Batman, I can do more”.

Since we all agreed, I shall have the privileged being the resourceful one among you all who will partake the honor to maintain this website, please bear with me for any shortfalls for I am doing this in my own free time and on volunteer basis.

All your feedbacks and comments will posted in the given space below. Just scroll down to the bottom of this page.


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