Our cause has made it into the news. We are on Focus Malaysia. Read the full article here https://focusmalaysia.my/?p=122986
Looking at the article, apparently Tetap Tiara has cunningly attempted to use an academic angle to strike off the entire case against us! I don’t profess to be a legal expert or practitioner but this is what my limited legal common sense tells me.
Can a case of this magnitude be struck off by one stroke? I guess base on the article, it does not seem possible. I guess I have to learn to get my hands on the court papers in order to see and understand for myself what really transpired.
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Don’t be too overly optimistic. I am not legal savvy but I do know if ever this article was traced to be coming from us and with the ongoing court battle this could be deemed as subjudice where it has grounds to affect the merits of the case. If we go down the legal path, this is a serious consideration for take. Just like when we made an injunction against them for holding AGM, so can they make an injunction against us for making public statements.
Yay, some visibility to our cause. I just wished that the article also includes the incompetence of our government bodies and elected people’s representative for no action.
Visibility can be bad or good. Don’t bet everything on it. I believe the working committee should just stay focus with the issue at hand.
If someone here can, please elaborate the meaning of ‘academic angle’ mentioned? Much appreciated.
Simply put in layman term, using a manipulative narrowed angle making sure there exist coherent connection between the reasons to support your claim.