In the ensuing battle, I learned that our MC was doing their best to keep Charles Wong out of the Committee.

The Management Office was closed on early December 2021 and they assigned a guard outside. Also found some interesting notices. Me, being a resourceful kepoci (nosey) dug around and found out through my reliable insider sources* (whom we share a lot in common about curry at banana leaf curry house) shared me his scoop on what I missed out on: –

  • Lee Chee Meng, one of the committee member representing the Square has been replace by Charles Wong
  • On 22 November 2021, two separate committee meetings were held. Two notice of meetings was published, with two different set of agendas and two minutes of MC meeting were created.
  • One meeting was attended by Paul Kam, Charles Wong, Sanny Leong and Property Manager, SCM
  • Another meeting held around the same time was attended by Richard Yeoh, Lee Mun Woh, Lee Chee Meng and a lawyer from Mah Weng Kai.

Few weeks later, SCM Property Manager allegedly resigned and we saw a notice that VPC has been appointed as replacement.

Isn’t this insane that Jaya One have our own version of “Sheraton Move”, except that this drama unfolded in the Basement of Jaya One. Now, we have two sets of Minutes of Meeting, which one should we adopt???

Is there a point of concern here??

All your feedbacks and comments will posted in the given space below. Just scroll down to the bottom of this page.

  1. Dude, have the working committee made attempts to thrash out and discuss things with them instead of taking measures that I see will erupt into a much more complicated thing? Really, the working committee had no other options?

    1. Of courselah, other options are available. The big question mark is whether the working committee want to explore it or just so fixated with the current legal course of action.

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