If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whackWinston Churchill

Before I start, I humbly apologize for the delay in launching this website to a larger audience here in Jaya One. Currently with some of your assistance, am still compiling the email list of everyone for our launch blast. Soon, I promise you.

Back to business…

I heard a that the working committee met for the third time at the Residence on 27 November 2022. This time round not many showed up as info given. Heard not more than 20 attendees. Hearing this, I believe that the working committee was disappointed with the turnout.

Anyway, I was made to understand that the funds collected are still not sufficient as mentioned in this meeting. And guess what, the settlement amount is also up for consideration.

Interesting to note that the Focus Malaysia Article was published on 11.11.2022 couple of days before this 3rd Session congregation was held. Judging from the article, I am quite certain that was something our fellow fund-raising committee had to do in order to spice things up to convince us to raise more funds. Honestly, using the article could have been approached better as the tone was way too personal judging from my source. On a personal note, I am disappointed with the standard of our journalist coz it’s just so clear that some of our journalist in Malaysia will just publish what is provided to them by a propagandist. This is called Journalistic Ethics. I have some close associates working as journalist and in the publishing therefore I know our journalist would not just regurgitates based on press releases drafted by other people. Or just like Ron Burgundy, “he will effing read out loud whatever is on the teleprompter”

All your feedbacks and comments will posted in the given space below. Just scroll down to the bottom of this page.

6 thoughts on “THE THIRD MEETING”
  1. Really?? Since December 2020 until now we had not managed to raise our targeted RM500,000. Can we go on like this? Why don’t we consider other practical and realistic options?

  2. We have come this far. So, what are you suggesting? We give up now? Has anyone initiate a discussion with our appointed lawyer for a renegotiated discounted term for legal cost?

    1. We had this discussion among us so many times before. Up until now, there seems to be no one addressing this. I stand corrected, if anyone can claim otherwise?

  3. I recalled in our previous online meeting that the working committee mentioned that had over 100 registered owners supporting this cause. Any updates on this figure?

    1. You’re kidding me, right? Surely the working committee could have gotten much more by now. Maybe reaching the target of fund to be collected RM500,000 is a little beyond realistic to bring some sense now? No?

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