Our cause has made it into the news. We are on Focus Malaysia. Read the full article here https://focusmalaysia.my/?p=122986 Looking at the article, apparently Tetap Tiara has cunningly attempted to…
Facts & Updates for Jaya One Owners/Community
Our cause has made it into the news. We are on Focus Malaysia. Read the full article here https://focusmalaysia.my/?p=122986 Looking at the article, apparently Tetap Tiara has cunningly attempted to…
In the ensuing battle, I learned that our MC was doing their best to keep Charles Wong out of the Committee. The Management Office was closed on early December 2021…
I found out from a reliable source that the MC has became a co-defendant. So, this basically means they are on the same boat as the working committee claiming for…
Almost two months passed since this second zoom meeting. I roughly counted the attendees with optimism in sight. If not mistaken, approximately 100 turnouts compared to the first zoom meeting.…
Let me backtrack a couple of months back with the few of you here. I attended our first online zoom and gladly share with you guys that did not attend…
As with you, I want justice too but I am not out for revenge. And so justice for me is about getting money and the easiest take in getting it.…